Wednesday, August 21, 2013

37 year old husband

Yes, you read that correctly.  My man turns 37 today.  Late thirties.  Almost 40.  37.  I like to tease him about being old because I'm still in my twenties but in actuality, I absolutely love how old he is.  I love that there is an 8 year gap between us.  I love that he lived on his own for quite some time before we got married.  I love that he is wise.  I love him.
Daniel- you are an amazing husband.  Someone asked me the other day why I married you and I just stopped and smiled.  There are so many reasons.  Stability.  Kindness.  Gentleness.  An appreciation for me and all that I offer.  A love for God and knowing Him more.  A love for others and serving them well.  Your ability to sing and play guitar.  The way you look.  (Is that shallow?!)  You desire to keep learning.  Your want for a family.
I hope this year you realize how loved you are and know that no matter what, I'm here for you.  And so are your daughters.  And I'm pretty sure you son is going to be crazy about you too.
Here's to many more birthday celebrations babe.

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