Wednesday, May 1, 2013

halfway comparison shots

 I'm 19.5 weeks now with Baby Love and feeling great.  But smaller than I can remember with the girls.  So I did a little comparison shot to see if I'm right.  You be the judge.
19 weeks with Greta Elise, my firstborn.
20 weeks with Audrey Louise, my second.
19.5 weeks with Baby Love.

And the three pieced together. 

When I see these three photos put together it confirms for me the thoughts I have been having about feeling like I look so much different with this baby then the previous two pregnancies.  Oh my word.  Maybe this is a boy?


  1. Definitely smaller. I'm calling boy. When is your ultrasound???? Are you even finding out, though?

    1. It's crazy right? I think it's a boy too :) Our ultrasound is this Friday but we're not planning to find out however, I am planning to look :) I really want to know but Dan wants to keep it a surprise.

  2. Whoa you do look smaller! Are you hoping for either a boy or a girl?

    1. Hi friend! I am hoping for a healthy baby :) Truly- most days I'm convinced it's a boy and I think about how fun it would be to mix this little lady house upside down but then I have these moments, when I touch the little onesies my ladies used to wear, or I see little girls in all the cute headbands and I think, nah- I could easily have another girl and be quite content. Either way we feel so blessed!
