Thursday, April 11, 2013

Number 3

We're pregnant again!
And we couldn't be more excited!
Dan and I started talking about adding another member to our family towards the end of 2012 and by mid January we were no longer talking about it and were simply realizing it.

I love when the verse for the day lines up with my heart. 
We found out on January 12th that another little lamb will be joining our family.

Of course I told my man via text message.
He was downstairs with the girls and I couldn't tell them yet.  
Our official due date is September 22nd but with my track record I changed it to September 29th and honestly am planning another early October birth.
Audrey's immediate reaction!
We plan to have this baby at home again, with the same midwives, and are so excited to experience it again!
Here is Dan's drawing to help explain it to the girls.
Audrey and Greta both had p.j's on at the time with animals on them, hence the little drawings on them. 
We, as of right now, are not finding out the gender.  Dan really wants to be surprised!
On Valentine's day we got to see Baby Love's heartbeat! 
The girls are really excited to be big sisters!  Greta thinks it's going to be another girl and Audrey says, most days, that it's a boy!  Either way we feel blessed!


  1. Congratulations Emily! I've been checking your blog often and haven't seen an update for a while. Must have been because you were busy :o) How exciting!

    1. Thanks Sheree- It's been hard to keep a secret but you're right, I've been super busy. The first trimester really gave me a run for my money. I never had morning sickness with the girls but this time around was a whole 'nother story! I'm glad to be in the second tri now and feeling much better!

      How are you all?

  2. Ooooohh Maybe it's a boy this time ;o) Joe made me very sick too. We're all doing great! Joe is going to be getting his license in a month or so. I can't believe it! The girls are growing like weeds and getting sassy :o) Your girls are so cute! I hope the 2nd and 3rd trimesters go well for you! I look forward to seeing your updates. Talk to you soon!


    1. I'm wondering if it's a little man too but I'll truly be happy either way!

      License. What? How can it be?

      Thanks for staying in touch!

  3. Ahhhhhhhh congrats love!! You and Shelbs are in it together, how FUN!!! So happy for your family :)

    1. Thanks friend! We are only 5 weeks apart which makes this even more fun!!! Hope all is well with you and your crew!
